Tag Archives: self-publishing


Wow. So that’s what it feels like to come to the end of a novel, and even start the second one.

The rollercoaster is over, or has only just begun, as I have as yet to let anyone read this revised draft.

Nervous? Yes.

Excited? Yes.

Exhausted and exhilerated? Double yes.

Where to now?

Do I go the old school route and hunt down an agent, trap them with style, cunning and a well-turned phrase, joining forces to create a hunting party out for the rare blood of the oft-maligned and dying breed of old-school publisher in the hopes of them seeing the diamond in the rough; maybe not the next JK cash machine but at least worth investing time, energy and publicity in?

Or do I surf the light fantastic and punt into the lake placid of self-publishing and self-promotion? Is my book eye-catching enough to light the bushfire of people’s imagination and flow through word of mouth into the collective subconscious?

What to do, what to do. (Ideas accepted on a postcard, written in binary or Sanskrit.)

Whatever the future level of success, I wrote it, from beginning to end and back again, and that is enough for me (for now).

If people enjoy reading it and want more, that will be all I ever wanted.

Here’s hoping! 😉 (Just in case you are wondering where you can lay your hands on my book, please keep your eyes peeled on my blog / twitter / linked in / Facebook account, where I will be broadcasting more exciting news (exciting to me at least!) as soon as I have it.

Til next time, be good to one another, cause each other is all we really have.

Peace out,


junk jettisoned, ebooks printed…and all’s well

This is just a quickie…I know, I know, usually it takes a good couple of dates, some wining and dining, a few smiles, a hug, a kiss a cuddle…and then onto the final frontier…space…or at least what’s left of it aside from the junk we jettison out there as the ultimate chav planet in the galaxy…but more on that later.

(No, more on that now! Are those in charge of disposing of earth’s rubbish the same senseless oiks who dump old refrigerators in front of their homes on the off chance someone else wants it, or maybe the neighbours will get fed up enough – as I sometimes do – and clear it to the dump themselves? Seriously! If I was an alien race hell-bent on world domination, or just a friendly neighborhood alien race looking to drop in on the newbies and see how they are settling in, whether the kids have found school to be tough, or even just to borrow a few million gallons of oil, and I saw the rubbish floating around our planet by way of dead satellites, space waste, jettisoned rubbish and general debris that we humans have surrounded our planet with…well, I would think twice about visiting. Do you regularly go meet and greet neighbours who have old kitchen sinks dumped in their front gardens? Think about it! We could be missing out on the evolutionary-jump of a sentient race which thinks we are the chavs of the Milky Way…and we’ll never know…and now back to our regular broadcast…)

What was I on about? Oh, yes, I’ve published three compilations of, well, stuff from this blog as ebooks on Amazon – just search for ‘Emerson Freedman’ on amazon, or type in ‘Poemetics’…or even just click on one of the three links to those books on Amazon on the rigth hand side here…no not there…over to the…yeah…to the…to the right…your other right…yeah, there, the ‘Poemetics’, ‘A Day in the Life’ and ‘Storytology’ links. Yup. Those. No, you can’t download them for free. They cost a whole £0.71. Not cause I’m greedy. Cause Amazon don’t do free ebooks. Go figure. Cheapest I could make them….no really…it was….whatever.

So, go on, have a look, download them, let me know what you think. Share them with a friend. This is the first foray into epublishing for me…the first ‘real’ epublishing books I created…by way of Word to Plain Text to Jutoh to Amazon…cool stuff, eh?

Let me know what you think. Feedback is always appreciated. Even if it is not precisely what I want to hear. (The truth is not always pretty, I know. But if you’re going to be honest, go easy…I am more fragile than I look!)

Til next time, bon nuit,

Em (mE)

ePublishing; pain + persistence = perseverance… Does it = published?

Ok, so now I’ve finally finished a working ePub draft of the first full poetry anthology entitled “Poemetics: Suspiciously Cute, Ode to a Total Stranger”.

Yes, that was the name of a previous shorter ‘volume’ of poetry.

I have ‘unpublished’ that volume (and the others) and combined them all into a single volume, plus a few more poems I had left out of the original 3 volumes.

Altogether this comes to 30-something poems. This anthology will soon be available on both Amazon & Smashwords – I am trialling and erroring my way to the ‘right’ way to ePublishing in a slow elephantine manner. We will get there in the end!

I promised an update on my ePublishing experience, so here it is:

First off, Jutoh works on a Mac. (That’s all I know about the Mac side, seeing as I do not have one to hand to test further – I just know it does work.)

On my laptop (PC / Windows-based) Jutoh ‘feels’ like Microsoft Word, with a lot of the similar commands for selecting text, simple formatting (bold, italic) for easy formatting and editing.

As a first point, I would advise creating ‘Chapter’ or ‘Part’ demarcations, even for something like poetry, as the ‘import’ function (when creating a ‘new project’ in Jutoh) creates a separate ‘Document’ within your ebook for each titled segment.

This is useful as it means that your ebook is broken up logically into bite-size chunks instead of being one long text file.

It also allows Jutoh to automatically generate your ebook table of contents – each document is treated like a different web page within that ebook, allowing for easy browsing and ‘jumping to’ desired sections for your readers.

They can also ‘bookmark’ pages for returning to and re-reading later (assuming their ereader supports bookmarking).

This splitting of the main sections of the ebook up automatically along with creating an automatic table of contents based on those ebook sections is a great improvement over the Smashwords interface.

In Smashwords you are forced to create bookmarks for each section of your document, manually create a list for your table of contents, then highlight each part of your table of contents and ‘hyperlink’ to the relevant ‘bookmark’ section. This is a seriously labour intensive piece of work for any document over ten sections.

The additional benefit of Jutoh ebook formatting over Smashwords is the splitting into separate sections for each segment (Chapter or Poem) as part of the import – Smashwords creates a single long text file which is unwieldy and relatively unattractive in ereader format.

There are also additional benefits of Jutoh over Smashwords in that Jutoh allows you to modify the layout, pages, document, paste in graphics, links, formatting or whatever else you like, as well as choose what outputs you wish to ‘compile’ your ebook to, including specifying the settings you would like to default to for that type of output (targetting Mobipocket-friendly styling, for example).

If needed (such as for my Poetry book) after importing into Jutoh you can go into the document pages in your new ebook and delete the ‘Chapter’ or ‘Part’ text from the titles, select text, format, insert graphics and play til your heart’s content.

To see what the end result ebook looks like (once you have ‘compiled’ and ‘tested’ your newly created ebook), you can download and install Calibre’s free ebook viewer (for both PC’s and Macs).

When you then select ‘Launch’ for your ebook within Jutoh (once the correct format, i.e. ‘epub’, has been ‘compiled’ and ‘tested’) Calibre will automatically launch and import the book into its library. (I presume this standard functionality and that Jutoh will target the ‘launch’ function at whatever ebook reader you may have installed. I may test this further later with Mobi readers.)

You can then review the output in epub format in an ereader to see whether you need to go back and modify anything prior to publication.

Once you’ve formatted your ebook to your heart’s content you can setup a free account on kdp.amazon.com (Amazon’s own Kindle Direct Publishing self-publishing service), ‘add a new title’ and follow the guidelines to publish your epub book.

I used to believe I would have to use the publishing company I setup to buy ISBN numbers to allow my ebook to be published online, however I think there is a way around this.

ISBN numbers are useful for allowing all major distributors to ‘order’ your book. However if you self-publish your book on each of the major online bookstýores (i.e. Amazon Kindle, Apple iBookstore, Barnes and Noble Nook and Pubit – forgive me if I have missed any off this list – I am only just beginning my self-publishing journey), unless you desire to have your ebook searchable by ISBN number there will be very few missed sales in my estimation.

(Let’s be honest, how many people do you know to go online and type in an ISBN number to find a book they want, instead of searching on the title, author or genre? This will be a small minority who would also search by title, author or genre if the ISBN search came up blank.)

I followed the above process using precisely the tools I mentioned above (Word to Plain Text to Jutoh to Calibre…and onto Amazon Kindle for starters) to self-publish my compilation of poetry entitled ‘Poemetics – Suspiciously Cute, Ode to a Total Stranger’.

Please have a look and let me know what you think!

Please Note – I have only just uploaded ‘Poemetics’ to Amazon – it can take up to 24 hours to be ‘vetted’ before being available on Amazon’s website.

Therefore if you are unable to find it the first time you check, please have another go tomorrow.

Your feedback will be much appreciated!

Until next time, keep writing, keep publishing, never surrender.

mE (Em)

Percolating ePublishing’s Perfidious Parsimonious Platitudes…

So what’s percolating in the coffee pot of my brain right now?

I did some research on the whole ePublishing thing. That’s ‘electronic Publishing’ for those of us who are just beginning to scratch the surface of this netherworld of blogs, twits (sorry tweets…why aren’t they called ‘twits’ instead of ‘tweets’? Either that or it should be called ‘tweeter’ instead of ‘twitter’…I am truly lost…), facebookers and the rest. Sure I am a techie yet I find that I have fallen behind the technology times every time I close my eyes…even if it is only for a short nap on the train to work in the morning!

Enough babbling, here’s what I’ve learned so far:

To publish a book online you need to use a standard format. ‘ePub’ seems to be the generally accepted standard, accepted by most (if not all) ebook online stores and native devices (iPads, iPhones, Sony e-Readers, Kindles etc).

To get a book into ePub format you can export from a main office application (Microsoft Office or OpenOffice) to a PDF format, then use something like Calibre’s free ePub software to convert that PDF to an ePub document.

Once you’ve got your document into ePub format, you need to sign up with an online bookstore. Here’s where it gets a bit hairy, because to make your ePub ebook…

  • Available on Apple’s iBookstore you have to be based in the good ole US of A (as iBookstore limits publications to US based authors) Or sign up with a Print on Demand self-publishing house which is linked to iBookstore such as lulu.com.
  • However, Lulu does not provide eBooks to Amazon, so if you want to have your eBook also available on Amazon, you then have to sign up with Amazon Kindle and re-publish your ePub on their site as well.
  • Also, if you do publish with Lulu, you will not be able to publish a free ebook because Lulu will not allow it – only chargeable books will be sent to be visible on iBookstore.
  • In other words, if you do not live in the United States of America and want to self-publish a free eBook on iBookstore, you cannot…unless
  • You were willing to forgo any decent formatting, graphics, cover art or any other artwork, were willing to have another company pasted all over your freebook and give up the right to be your own ‘publisher’ (hence the term ‘self-published’)…because then you could always go for ‘Feedbooks’…who provide…
  • An online form-based interface to ‘build’ your ebook online then publish it…Feedbooks sell themselves as a major free ebook supplier to Kindle, yet the licensing involved of your intellectual property is dubious at best, so I would not personally recommend it. This site is mostly for rehashed ‘public domain’ type literature or writing, not authors trying to get their work out there.

So there you have it, the basic steps involved in creating a standard ePub formatted eBook and publish on both the iBookstore and Amazon Kindle. (Ok, so we have not actually stepped through the whole formatting / conversion to ePub format…I’ll get to that later as I am still hammering through it myself…suffice it to say that it is not

Next time, maybe I’ll have some nitty gritty detail to go into about the engine-room level technical experience in creating and converting eBooks.

Til then, I hope you have loads of laughs and don’t choke on the residual spittle! 🙂

Yours truly,
